A residential development located in Banning, California, consisting of six single family model homes, three single family production homes, 56 improved lots, a storm drain detention basin, parkway landscape, 215 undeveloped lots and an unmapped remainder parcel.

Project Description

Douglas Wilson Companies (DWC) was tasked to preserve and protect the property.

Scope of Work

DWC analyzed the costs to convert the models and completed the three production homes, turned over the parkway landscaping to the City of Banning and maintained the detention basin in compliance with the governing agencies.

Project Resolution

Following foreclosure by the lender, DWC was discharged.

Project Name



superior Court of the State of California, Riverside County


Banning, CA

Service Provided


    Douglas Wilson Companies was founded in 1989 to provide a wide range of specialized business, workout, and real estate services to law firms, state and federal courts, corporations, partnerships, pension funds, REITs, financial institutions, and property owners throughout the United States.


    1620 Fifth Avenue
    Suite 400
    San Diego, California 92101


    (619) 641-1141


    [email protected]